Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Connor is now on vacation. Real vacation.

I'll let you know when I'm back.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

For those of you not in the know, there's currently a heatwave of sorts affecting the Pacific Northwest.

In even more obscure news, it's currently raining in my part of Oregon.

Heatwave + Rain = Yay!

That's a good thing.

Well, I've been getting spam on my blog.

Either that, or really weird people.

But, I'll take it as a good sign. If my blog is big enough to get spammed, I must be doing something right.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

KidNation on CBS

Finally, some real news to blog about.

I just saw a commercial for CBS' KidNation. Now, I obviously know very little about it, as my inside source was just a TV commercial.

Still, I did get that it's 40 kids let loose in a town with no adults.

Now, this is inherently interesting. It's just so funny that something like this has never been done before.

Will America's current system of government be faithfully reproduced? Will they resort to Communism? Anarchy? Tyranny?

Will it be like Lord of the Flies?

Oh, man, I am looking forward to this. This is one heck of a social psychology experiment.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Secret Ratatouillie Motives

Let me be the first to suggest Disney chose to develop the movie "Ratatouille" because they wanted a new brand for their Disneyworld restaurants.

P.S. I spelled Ratatouille all on my own. No spell checker help. Why yes, I did get an A in French class.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Almost Time for the Simpsons' Movie

And what better way to celebrate than by turning 7 elevens into Kwik-E-Marts?

Well, there might be a few better ways, but that doesn't make this any less cool.


Octosquid? What the heck?

Found in a pipe in a lab, it looks half like a squid, and half like an octopus.

Kind of like this.

And, if stealing the picture from the article doesn't satisfy your appetite to see the real deal, then follow this link.

Man, if you thought Guitar Hero was cool, wait 'till the one with a whole band comes out.

Move over, old seven wonders of the world, there's a new batch.

Voting for the new seven wonders has been going on since 1999, but you really just want the list.

Great Wall of China - You know, that big wall in China

Christ the Redeemer - Brazil, a giant statue of Christ

Macchu Pichu - Sounds like Pikachu (of Pokemon fame), ancient ruins in Peru, created by the Incans

Petra - Jordan, a place with many statues carved into rock

Chichen Itza - Ancient Mayan ruins

Taj Mahal - A large, spectacular, and significant palace in India

Colosseum - You know, that big thing in Rome

And here's the article, if you just need to know more.

Water Balloon Popping in Slo Mo

This is a video where you can see what actually happens when one pops a water balloon, in slo motion.

I got this from Tokyomango, who in turn got it from some person named "Annie."

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Soup or salad? More like super salad.

"The conversation with you never dies, it just fades away."

Ah, the constant boom of firecrackers. I think we all know what time it is.

Someone once said that, "We should not mourn the passing of those that died, rather we should celebrate that they lived."

There's only one thing that makes more sadness than reading all the articles from a defunct website.

Learning that genius behind the articles is dead.

The person and place I'm talking about specifically is Netslave and Steve Gilliard, anti-respectively.

Obscure Nonexistent Book Found;

"Using Sensory Adaptation for Fun and Profit"

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Dude, people get to my rants page via some crazy searches. I need to post this the Google links page or whatever whenever.