Sunday, October 28, 2007

Founded by Geoff Smith

Stumebleupon was founded by Geoff Smith. That's my dad's name!

But it has to be a case of hilariously mistaken identity. I mean, it's not like my dad founded Stumbleupon or anything.

Misinformation Wins Again. Darn You, Crafty Foe.

Check this out.

That's what happens when you try to steal a link from Snopes. But they're not bad people.

Now check this out.

Now would you believe me if I said this was located somewhere near Denmark and Sweden?

Well, apparently you shouldn't.

As if you couldn't figure it out, the link leads to Snopes. They claim it's in Virginia. And I'd bet a green unhappy face that they're right.

Still, the photo's pretty cool.

Google Eats France for Breakfast

I like how when I search Google for "best french college" I get America's Best Colleges 2008: Majors: French Studies as the first thing to pop up.

Rest assured, the second thing was french college related.

Also, for those of you who came here or looked at this just for the title, sorry for letting you down. Feel free to enjoy the rest of the blog.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

I do not recommend ever taking the space bar off of your laptop keyboard.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Better Than a Rumble Pack

TN Games is making a vest that would let you feel the impacts from shooter games.

Now, one would think the appeal of playing shooting games is to not feel the impact, but hey, to each their own.

Actually, judging from the video, it looks about as dangerous as a poke happy friend.

But if you still want more realistic feedback, there's always a place you can go.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

So it would seem that my website's maximum storage is being increased to something like 1 gb.

Seeing as how it's prior max was 25mb, I'm impressed.

If there ever was an incentive for me to use my website, that would be it.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Friday, October 19, 2007

Phones Maybe Going to be Allowed on Planes

Yesterday, it was announced in the UK that mobile phones may possibly be allowed to use in airplanes sometime in the future. Currently mobile phones are not allowed to be used on airplanes, due to the proven fact that they can interfere with navigation systems. But planes could be modified with a system that would create a small mobile phone network just large enough to encompass the cabin, nullifying the effect to navigation. Were this system to be implemented, though, phone calls made in the air would be more expensive than phone calls made on the ground. However, regulator Ofcom says they will prevent excessive charging.

Even though this is something that is happening in the UK, competition between businesses is global nowadays. If such a system created a big incentive to fly, then US companies will adopt such a system, in order to make more profit. In favor of cell phones on planes, it would allow people to use their cell phones on planes, which usually have more features than an onboard plane (Can an onboard plane text?) By adopting this system, it might also pave the way for using wifi on the plane, which is also a possibly desired service. However, against it, the prices are higher than what they would be on the ground. So, it might be that the air phone is the better deal. Also, this isn't exactly a proven market, so the plane company is taking a bit of a risk on expensive technology with ambiguous payoffs. Finally, cell phones are currently outlawed on planes for a reason, and there's always the potential for something to go wrong somewhere and crash a plane.

Personally, I'm a bit against this. It's annoying to have people yakking it up on cell phones on the ground; would it be any different in the air? Especially in an enclosed space with few distractions. Also, there's always the potential for something to go wrong. In addition to all of that, I don't even have a cell phone, so I have nothing to gain. While it may be a great triumph of technology, it may also be a great triumph against peace and quiet.

Source; BBC

Dang. My blog actually got no views yesterday.

As always, I use Google Analytics for all my website stats needs.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Facebook Messes Up

Facebook Messes Up
Originally uploaded by Cyoshio
Did anyone ever say that Facebook was faultless?

Monday, October 15, 2007

Uploading stuff to Flickr is so unimaginably awesome.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

So, I was trying to find the approximate market price on KHP (Potassium Hydrogen Pthalate), but I couldn't find it.

So, is there a way to find the price of anything easily?

Or does anyone happen to know said price?

Also, don't ask why I'd want to know the price of KHP. I'm a man of many mysteries.

Friday, October 12, 2007

2 Million Keystrokes!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

The thing that strikes me most about "Amung Us" is that there usually are more than one person reading a site at a time.

I mean, when I surf the web, it's a solitary experience. I don't think about being part of a horde accessing a web site, I imagine myself as being alone. But with Amung Us, you can see just how big the crowd is, looking at the site.

Whenever I use stumbleupon to stumble onto something, I feel like I'm the only person who has discovered it. But as is more becoming the norm, many people have already seen it. And if it's especially cool, it might even show up in the news.

Whatever happened to the days when I was a solitary web surfer, and when my stumbleupon discoveries really were discoveries?

Apparently my stereo can identify some Cd's. I'm not exactly sure as to how, because it isn't connected to the web or anything like that.

Also curious is that is can only identify two Cd's; both are part of an AC/DC two live disc set.

Too bad it's too tenuous to turn into a conspiracy theory.

Few Fall For Phishing

For quite some time I've been fantasizing about sending out a fraudulent e-mail and seeing how many people would be fooled. Or to see what people would say back to me. Sometimes I reply to those with sarcastic remarks; would anyone else?

Well, as it would turn out according to this article, Microsoft found out the percentage of their users that fell victim to phishing. While it's hardly the same thing, it's the same idea.

What is that percentage?

.4% or 4 out of ever 1000 people.

That's a pretty small number. Go humanity.

2007 Ig Noble Prizes Awarded

Just read the article.

Ever since I connected my Xbox 360 to the Internet directly by Ethernet cord, I think it's been in gaming heaven.

Which is nice to hear, because it was a bit of a hassle having to tape up the Ethernet cord so no one would walk on it.

It wasn't a hassle so much as it was hard, it was a hassle because that was time we couldn't spend on Halo 3.

Now, a week or so later, half of the tapings have fallen down. So it goes.

X-Wing Replica Launched

So apparently someone made a model of an X-Wing (you know, from Star Wars?). Now it also seems they've launched it.

Check out this blog post for the video.

"What they don't know can't hurt them."

Aren't those usually the things that hurt them the most?

Friday, October 5, 2007

What? Randomly posted margin notes?

Sounds like a Pyrimid Scheme...

By the way, does anyone want to join Gametap?