Monday, August 25, 2008

Things to do Before Schools Starts Again;

Cry your heart out.

Image unwittingly donated by kakisky. Thanks!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wowio is DEAD to me

That whole "going global" thing didn't have me scared. But it should have.

So I come back to Wowio, hearing that comics are now pay to download. That's okay, I don't read too many comics.

But then I learned now that normal books are now pay to download as well.


Maybe someday I'll come around and see if I can somehow stand to read books online. But for now, Wowio is just dead to me.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Rich Jerk says...

Man, who knew there were actually funny Google Ads?

The Problem With Average Based Rating Systems

Take a look at this picture;
People all voted either 5's or 1's. But the average is 3 stars.

That average doesn't show that half the people either loved it or hated it. They're more polarized than a battery!

Bitter Celtic Fans disgust me!!, if you wanted to see the article. The ratings have probably changed, though.

Take-Two Finally Safe from EA

EA, the tireless gaming giant, was seeking to envelope Take-Two Interactive and digest it. However, they recently announced that this action would no longer benefit them enough.

However, upon actually reading the article, it says they stopped because they wouldn't get the profits from the holiday season. It says little to nothing about them trying again next year.

Take-Two is famous for currently owning the Civilization franchise which I am a fan of and various sports titles. At one point, they were the only viable competitor to EA's sports games.

Link Chain;
Bloomberg -> Civilization Fanatics -> Me