Saturday, November 29, 2008

"timothy" the Sage

Just as a Recap, this is a photo from a previous story I ran. The wise sage "timothy" spake of this photo.

Here are timothy's musings;

timothy said...
it's easier to deny their existence than to acknowledge that they're real! look carefully at the palm trees they are not the same. we are being visited. make no mistake about it you fools. everyone wants evidence and when you show then the evidence they want to dismiss it. fools wake up!

timothy said...
The scriptures say that "Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the end days." In the days of Noah the Nephelim were on the earth. Well, they're back!

timothy said...
If you really want to know for sure then take a camera down to Haiti and come back with your own footage. you'll be convinced but you'll still have to contend with those who choose to remain ignorant. What is it? Are you afraid to acknowledge there's superior intelligence out in the celestials? our very denial of them shows the inferiority of our intellects. Wake up!

timothy said...
In the 2Peter is says about the last days "bold and arrogant they're not afraid to slander celestial beings" You would believe they're talking about angels, but read on and it says "yet angels which are more mighty would dare not bring such accusations against such beings in the sight of God." The scriptures acknowledge the existence of celestial beings! WAKE UP YOU HUMAN FOOLS!

timothy said...
There were three things that took place in the days of Noah. 1.The earth was about to go through a dramatic transformation. Global warming ring a bell? 2.The people's attitudes were eat drink and be marry for tomorrow we die. Our current hedonistic society of excess ring a bell? 3.The Nephelim (Sons of God) were on the earth messing with creation. UFO's ring a bell yet? PEOPLE CLAIMING THEY'VE BEEN ABDUCTED AND THAT THEY'RE CREATING A HYBRID RACE. you've heard it all on the programs. WAKE UP YOU HUMAN FOOLS!

timothy said...

timothy said...

timothy said...

Classic madman. It starts off mildly weird, then escalates to raving mad. Unfortunately, all attempts to identify this "timothy" have failed.

I'm sure there are also some logical arguments against it, but who wants to wrestle a pig in mud?

Monday, November 24, 2008

It Finally Happened! OLPC Ad!

It happened! It finally happened!

The One Laptop per Child $100 dollar but actually $200 dollar PC is available for purchase! Unfortunately, as you need to buy two just to get one (you're donating one), it's not very cost effective as far as "cheap pc" goes. But it still has it's charm.

How long has it been in the making? Three years? It's just a shame that I kind of lost interest in that project maybe a year ago. As it turns out, all I really wanted was an e-ink ebook reader.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

On the Subject of Wearing Down Xbox 360's

I was combing my favorite Civilization focused Website when I came across this topic title; A warning for 360 Owners.

I own an Xbox 360, so of course I clicked on it. Apparently Civilization Revolution is hard on the Xbox 360 disc drive. But that's not even the best part.

The thread poster has "killed" fifteen Xbox 360's. Fifteen? I didn't even know you could kill one!

Even with counting the "Red Ring of Death" as killing an Xbox 360, I've only "killed" one. So you can see why fifteen is outrageous.

And yet, more people chimed in and said they've "killed" multiple Xboxes, more than just one. So I'm astounded. I guess I'm not really much of a gamer anymore.

"Create Massive Abundance" Funny Google Ads Ad

And they're not talking about poop.

Coffin Kills Widow

While technically not ironic, it's amusing.

Police say a woman has died on the way to a cemetery when a traffic accident hurled her husband's coffin against the back of her neck.

From The Columbian, who obviously got it from somewhere else.

Google Ads on My Blog Give Up

Hah, am I the only person who has noticed that the Google Ads between posts no longer show actual links, but instead just search bars? I think that's Google giving up. I am now too weird to even have relevant Adsense ads.

The Number "e," Gutenburg's weirdest book

I have found what promises to be Gutenburg's weirdest book, as promised by the headline.

So I saw a book under the title, "The Number 'e'". I thought to myself, "It's probably some sort of weird science fiction novel," as it does have a surreal title.

Imagine my surprise to open it up and realize it's actually the mathematical constant "e" to 100,000 places. But as the ebook itself mentions, "The digits have been checked by them but they welcome others to check them as well. Even so, as noted above, neither we nor they guarantee the accuracy of these digits."

To add some more length to this post, note how it's ebook number 127. So this is one of the first books that Gutenburg deigned worthy to type out.

And just for the heck of it, here's the letter e to such and so many places


There's a lot more where that came from.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

No Reunion for Smashing Pumpkins... For About 30 Years

Yes, I will be blatantly predicting the future.

So, the Smashing Pumpkins said they will never have the original lineup back together.

I'm here to say that unless one of them dies, they will do it within the next 30 years.

And you want to know why? 30 years is a long time. There's no way you can predict what will happen 30 years from now. Hate a guy? He might save your daughter. What then!?

All I know is that every band ever reunites later on. Well, so long as none of them die. But even that won't stop some bands some of the time. So yeah, just try to defy fate Smashing Pumpkins, but Oedipus lost and so will you.

Ohio Students Falsely Decontaminated, Connor Smith Okay

So I saw this story come in on the wire, "False alarm means decontamination of Ohio students" and I immediately thought of parallel universe Connor Smith.

That's right, there's a Connor Smith. Except he's not in a parallel universe, he's just a sophomore at Ohio State.

So anyways, I just read that headline, and I instantly wondered if Connor Smith was okay. As it turns out, the article was about a high school, which naturally precluded Connor.

But isn't it weird that now I'm starting to feel concern and worry over this doppelganger? I'm a bit concerned for when he finally makes the NFL draft and when he joins a team. Will he have a good career? Will he be the best offensive tackle there ever was? And to a much lesser extent, when will my friends figure this out and give me crap about it?

And to think, this all happened because I Google'd "Connor Smith" and he won.