Wednesday, August 8, 2007

WOWIO the Book Website of Choice

The other day I made a great discovery.

It's a website that gives you free eBooks. That means they're like real books, but in PDF format. I think that makes them cooler.

Now, you do have to jump through a few hoops to sign up. But it's nothing that costs money. You're best off with having your own unique e-mail. That specifically means none of the common stuff, like hotmail or g-mail. You can also get away with other things, but those involve credit cards.

Next, you need to fill out something that resembles a survey. But really, I've taken worse on Myspace. And this leads to free books. So really, it's all worth it.

And, there is one last catch. Limit of 5 a day. But that's all. Other than that, have fun with it.

I know I'm enjoying it.

But hey, don't take it from just me...
This person and this person too both liked it.

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