Ever wanted to listen to a certain song on the internet, but didn't want to search Youtube for what could be an inferior copy?
Actually, I've known about what would later become "Deezer" for quite some time. When I found it, it was called Blogmusic, but it was still the basic concept. It did have a cool interface, though; it tried to be the online Ipod.
So, Deezer is all about sharing music to the world. One can find a song online for free and listen to it. They can also share it with friends and the like. They get revenue from the advertising and distribute the wealth to artists and producers, according to their "About Us" page.
The cool thing is, you can share music easily with your friends. If you have a website, blog, or something else that has HTML access, you Can embed a little music player.
Just like that.
You can also share the link.
For example, http://www.deezer.com/?urlIdSong=4775.
Or, if you're one of the aforementioned people with access to HTML, you can hyperlink it (just like you can with all links...)
So, what's my angle? Eh, I just found something cool and am sharing all its cool things with you. Since it's a free product, I can't have an agenda, right?
No, for reals. They don't pay me a cent.
And if you were wondering, the song is "Mother" by "Danzig." It's a great song, and if you haven't given it a listen, you owe yourself to.
UPDATE; Yes, I realize the links don't work. Silly me, assuming some service given out by a company instantly works. Well, you can still listen to free music online, and that's enough of a something to keep this site in "website noteworthy."
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