Monday, January 28, 2008

Remember when I said my "unique visitors" per day would soon be zero?

It jumped to 6 yesterday.

Take that, negative numbers!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Google Connor - January '08

Well, it's that time again. Time to Google myself and hope that "Connor Smith the most dominating offensive lineman ever" has somehow disappeared from existence.

So, without further ado, here's what you get when you Google search "Connor Smith" (sans quotes).

Well, the first result is obviously Connor Smith the offensive lineman.

The next one is a puzzling British person's (what I assume to be a) dating profile.

Then, skipping down to me...

6 pages later, and it's a link to my blog.

Well, I'm not famous yet. But at least this blog is helping.

On a brighter note, searching for "cyoshio" pretty much just gets me.

The number of unique visitors coming to my site has been decreasing by one for a few days. Right now it's at 2.

If it keeps decreasing at this rate, then pretty soon it'll be negative.

But it's not like all those visitors meant a whole lot with a practically 100% bounce rate (bounce = left within 1 minute).

Word "Improv" Conspiracy

Why is the word "improv" such a relatively hard word to say?

It's a conspiracy by the comedy club owners to weed out the drunk comedians. They paid the dictionary makers to make the word so hard. Then they hired someone to cover their tracks with phony stories.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

"But I'm tired of trying to go to sleep!"

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Flashcard Program; Great For Foreign Language

I found Teach2000, a flashcard making program.

As I was searching for something to use to memorize all the French words I need to know, I was a bit skeptical as to whether it would be fully accent compatible and all that jazz.

Turns out it's made to support foreign languages. It even supports Greek.

I heartily endorse this free product.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Oh, darn, it looks like my streak of however many days it was just got broken. What a shame.

In other news, it's finals week and I have my hard ones tomorrow. Both of them. Updates to be administered later.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Oh no!

It's like webassign all over again!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Connor's Thoughts - Frequented by People You Don't Know

America's Army - Video Game Saves Life

How long have people been decrying video games?

Well it seems that someone who played America's Army saved someone's life.

Not too shabby, if I do say so myself.

Interesting Wired Narritive

Wired has a new interesting and very long narrative. Here.

This one centers on the lives of two creators of giant collections of data, data that would eventually be used to create Artificial Intelligence.

Give it a read.

Wikipedia Woes

Well, it finally happened.

I read a story where Wikipedia got infected with a virus.

Did I say infected with a virus? I meant people tried to infect Wikipedia with a virus.

There's no virus on Wikipedia.

Seriously, someone took care of it.

No need to panic at all.


Do you love LOLCATS?

Do you love wildly distorted websites?

Here's my website, lolified.

Here's the lolinator.

Friday, January 18, 2008

3 Million Keystrokes

According to my keystroke counter on Google Desktop, which noticeably underestimates, I have now gone over the 3 million key presses barrier.

Alright. Go me.

Man, it's been hanging pretty close for quite some time now. I blame all my recent pick up in typing for the clincher.

You might also remember all those other times when I passed million marks.

Month of Visits

According to Google Analytics, ever since January 7th, I've had at least one visit to the site every day. That's no times when zero people came to my site.

And I'm pretty sure I precluded my IP on it, but I'm not completely convinced.

Also, I've been posting a whole lot more. That's been helping a whole lot.

Actually, I'm sure this day also marks some sort of weird streak as far as posting goes. So yeah, there's that too.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Replaced My Bed

The Ikea bed I've had for a few years was finally torn down.

It wasn't a great bed near the end, but it's served me well for many periods of stability, some longer than others.

Replacing it is another Ikea bed. Totally different.

My, how time passes.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I guess the ice doesn't strike twice.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Crack the APUSH Test

Because apparently cracking the AP exam should include cheating off a cell phone.

I Finally Got My Snow ...Day ...Delay

Remember when I was complaining about Baghdad getting snow and Oregon not getting any snow?

Well, in the half of the state that isn't desert, I think we actually got snow.

And by that I mean my friends said they say snow and we got a 2 hour delay. I don't see any snow right now, but it's usually frozen ice on roads that cancels schools.

But rest assured, this is technically a snow day.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Myspace has New Buttons

Specifically, the buttons someone uses to either accept or deny friend requests.

Now I can turn down bots in style.

Kidnation Voted Unable to Stand Up to Hype

Mostly by me.

Strange Questions - Why Ask Why?

Man, that hyphen in the titles is sure getting a workout.

So a person asks you a strange question. Then they ask why.

Why would you have to ask why? They're asking you a strange question! Of course you're going to want to explain your answer!

"If you could be any Thomas the Tank Engine character, who would you be?"

Otherwise it would just look weird.

Early Morning News Conspiracy

The Early morning news shows are so early in the morning so they can wake up mothers, so the mothers can take care of their children that go to school.

The Everyman Paradox

Say you lived in a society where everyone was different.

Now say there was this one person whose defining characteristic was that he was completely average.

Is this not a paradox?

That's right; I created my own paradox. I'll add that to the growing list of stuff I've done so far.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Youtube Video Comments; Mine

So I got some Youtube video comments 2 hours ago.

Dumbest thing I've ever seen.

In other words, standard fare.

I think I just advanced a fame level.

Fistful of Frags - First Impressions

Have you heard of the free new Source mod, Fistful of Frags?

If you haven't, it a cool fps that's set in a western atmosphere. There's no spawn time, with a weapon buying system that's much cooler than Counterstrike.

I've been playing it for the last two hours, and it was really addictive. It's something completely new, that's for sure. Great for a change of pace.

I'm not entirely sure what you need for it to run, but I have the CSS pack that one can buy in stores, and that makes it work.

Their Website

A Download Link

Update to 1.1 Download Link (download 1.0 first)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Where's Our Snow?

It snowed in Baghdad.

According to the Wikinews article, this is the first time in 100 years.

Baghdad, if you don't know anything about anything, is part of Iraq. Which is kinda deserty.

Oregon, if you don't know anything about anything, is where I live. It's kinda rainy.

So then how come it snows in the desert, and doesn't snow here?

Where's our snow?

Friday, January 11, 2008

Worsening Myspace Conditions

Protesting the worsening conditions on Myspace...

Don't you just hate it when random bands and record companies try to befriend you?

Ending of Catastrophe 2008

Paint is working now.

It's all good now.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Beginning of Catastrophe 2008

I found an interesting photo.

I tried opening paint.

It didn't work.

This could be the beginning of the end...

Adventure Quest

Sure you see the ads all the time and go, "Psh, stupid game."

But you have to remember, they're pretty much the only people who had their "pay money to get better stuff" payment as just a single payment. That's right; just one payment got you better stuff. Forever.

And it's not even all that much money. $20, maybe.

So whenever you next see an ad for adventure quest, think about this; one time payment.

What if more MMORPG's used that system? I don't know.

But I do know that I like it that way. I paid for the better thing years ago. I bet I still have it.

Yo Mama So Fat...

...she has to exist as a metaphysical being because she's bigger than all of existence.

Now it's your turn.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

How I Devote My Time to People On Facebook

97% - People who do stuff
2% - People I feel sorry for
1% - No one?

When was the last time I told you about my day?

Never, that's when.

Because this isn't that kind of blog.

What? 2008 already?

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The spiteful drug dealer; charged with possession with intent to withhold.

Don't you just love it when you're checking out a blogger profile, and it says, "Profile Views; 1."

Monday, January 7, 2008

Atlantis and Peter

This is a video I made. Feel free to enjoy it.

You Have No Friends

Thanks, Youtube.

Rick Bortnick's Nephew Incarcerated

It would appear that one of my teacher's nephews was arrested! I'm tenuously related to a criminal! Oh noes!

He was growing mushrooms. Psychedelic mushrooms. In Oregon. Meth territory.

It was not meant to be.

And here's a video.

Oh the things that happen.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Angry Rant By Someone Else

Look what can happen when you go away from the mainstream. You can find weird things. Things like this.

I like his final comment. It cracked me up.

So this one time I was doing some research on the CIA. You know those links that make an ad pop up? At least try to imagine them because they fit into the punchline.

So I see the phrase "rigorous training," and it's one of those links. So I hover my mouse over it. It said, "We can meet all your rigorous training needs." Funny.

Then I see a link for, "Spy satellites." I can't pass that up, so I hover my mouse over the link. The link disappears.

Friday, January 4, 2008


"Analyzing a joke is like dissecting a frog; you can find out how it works, but you have to kill it in the process."

More to be found here

Red Sauce's Future Struggle

Red Sauce is a UK based music group that specializes in covers. Incredibly convincing covers.

Of course, they have a mountain to climb if they think they can edge out the other red sauce in Google search listings.


Apparently people still play Final Fantasy XI on their Xbox 360's! This interview proves it!

3D Paper Holograms - Now in Color

The Canadian company, "RabbitHoles," has found a way to make 3D holograms on a 2D surface (say, a poster). Not only that, but they've found a way to do it in color.

Prior to that, it couldn't be done in high resolution color. But now it can.

Who knows what you can expect from this?

For more, check out the article.

Why can't you mark something as spam and keep it?

Thursday, January 3, 2008

I wish I could join the Facebook group, "i embarrass my friends and family in public". I really do.

But my mom doesn't get embarassed.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Well, it's the next month finally.

Now I can upload more stuff to flickr.

Ending of Portal Song - Still Alive - by Jonathan Coulton

Who knew that Portal ended in a song? I mean, know before you beat it?

So if you want to relive it, or don't know what I'm talking about at all, here's the video.

Better than Amped 3's ending song.