Friday, January 18, 2008

3 Million Keystrokes

According to my keystroke counter on Google Desktop, which noticeably underestimates, I have now gone over the 3 million key presses barrier.

Alright. Go me.

Man, it's been hanging pretty close for quite some time now. I blame all my recent pick up in typing for the clincher.

You might also remember all those other times when I passed million marks.


Kenneth Burchfiel said...

If you'd like a better keystroke counter, I would suggest going to Does involve a software download, but it's one of the best free programs you can find online.

Connor Smith said...

I looked at that website, and it seems like the WhatPulse is a bit more hardcore than I want. The Google Desktop Keystrokes gadget, while not always reliable, is nicely spartan in appearance and complexity.

And warning; The link for WhatPulse is .