Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Who or What is Philly Jilly?

So I'm about to go to my Comcast e-mail, when I notice this on the Comcast main page;

So I click on the Games link because I want to know why there is a tiny person on my Games link.

Apparently this... thing...'s name is Philly Jilly.

I don't know what the heck a Philly Jilly is. Do you?

A quick Google search revealed nothing. An even quicker Wolfram Alpha search revealed that "filly | a young female horse under the age of four." Also that Philly is short for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

I guess we can just assume that Philly Jilly is an example of an avatar for Comcast games. But still, she could be better designed and certainly could be better named.

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