Friday, January 23, 2009

I wish all the hotels had remotes this useful.

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Saturday, January 17, 2009

If you're seeing this picture, then that means I have successfully allowed my blog to post pictures from my cell phone.

This message was sent using the Picture and Video Messaging service from Verizon Wireless!

To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit

Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime� 6.5 or higher is required.

If you're seeing this post,

If you're seeing this post, then that means I have successfully sync'd my blog to my cell phone.

Dandies in Japan

A dandy (also known as a beau, gallant or flamboyant person) is a man who places particular importance upon physical appearance, refined language, and leisurely hobbies. Historically, especially in late 18th- and early 19th-century Britain, a dandy, who was self-made, often strove to imitate an aristocratic style of life despite coming from a middle-class background. -Wikipedia

As this article from the New York Times briefly mentions, there's a growing Dandy movement in Japan.

All a front-page image search turned up was this;

So I'm willing to doubt this.

Also on the first page;

Hey look, a cookie!

Still, such a men's fashion movement in Japan wouldn't surprise me at all.

Link Chain
New York Times -> Me

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Google Knol Falls Under Connor's Radar

Remember Google Knol? It was supposed to be the cool new wikipedia killer, although I debunked that in a longwinded post.

Still, why haven't I seen any when I've searched the internet? I mean, it's Google's own service, and they like linking to their own services. You'd think they'd be somewhere on the search listings.

Alas, I suppose Google Knols are for far more obscure things. Either that, or it's not out of beta yet.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Private Life; Hush New Webservice

While searching for a Youtube of Oingo Boing's "Private Life" (Good song, by the way), I stumbled upon

Apparently it's going to be an online gossip social networking site.

I dunno about you, but I like to think that gossiping is an evil of society. It's most of the evils of Facebook and Myspace concentrated into one little action.

Then again, despite the stigma against gossiping, it'll still probably be quite successful.

It's in Invitation Beta right now, so if you know the right people I guess you could get in.

Friday, January 2, 2009

How to Win at Monopoly the Smith Way

You've probably played Monopoly. Well here's how to win in a tested method handed down from my father.

Firstly, you spot a color group you and a person could get together and create. For example, you have one green and they have two greens.

Next, you form a partnership. It doesn't really matter who has two properties, as the partnership is a lot better than just two unrelated properties. Each partnership has the conditions that
1) The partnership cannot be dissolved unless a member goes bankrupt
2) Both partners get free rent on the property group in question
3) Both partners split the cost of homes, with it being possible that one partner can "owe ya one"
4) Both partners split the rent equally, which usually defaults to paying owed house cash if any
5) A person's share of rent can be replaced by gaining a property instead, so long as the other person agrees and receives either their share in cash or an acceptable deal

Now you're into the "building houses like mad" period. As soon as you can, get 3 houses on each property. 3 houses is the magical number; that's the first major increase in rents. Keep in mind that you probably don't build a bunch of houses and run out of cash.

Once you've got hotels, you'll be raking in the money and be the ire of all the other players.

Unfortunately, winning doesn't end there. In the endgame, this partnership won't be all that great one on one against your partner. Hopefully you've used the partnership as a front on acquiring other properties in order to build them up. Additionally, it's sound strategy to make partnerships with other people, provided you can afford it.

According to some home rules, this practice is banned. Why? Because it's so brutally effective. This method can make hotels on a property long before other people are even building houses. I've tried this twice at two different friend's houses, and I've made out like a bandit both times. I've also provoked the ire of my friends for having such an effective strategy.

Skepticism Motivational Poster Shirt on Zazzle

Zazzle lets you make your own shirts to post online and earn commission. I did just that, making a "Skepticism Motivational Poster Shirt."

The shirt is available in other colors, for around 20 bucks after shipping and handling.