Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Number "e," Gutenburg's weirdest book

I have found what promises to be Gutenburg's weirdest book, as promised by the headline.

So I saw a book under the title, "The Number 'e'". I thought to myself, "It's probably some sort of weird science fiction novel," as it does have a surreal title.

Imagine my surprise to open it up and realize it's actually the mathematical constant "e" to 100,000 places. But as the ebook itself mentions, "The digits have been checked by them but they welcome others to check them as well. Even so, as noted above, neither we nor they guarantee the accuracy of these digits."

To add some more length to this post, note how it's ebook number 127. So this is one of the first books that Gutenburg deigned worthy to type out.

And just for the heck of it, here's the letter e to such and so many places


There's a lot more where that came from.

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