Are you borderline illiterate? Of course you aren't, but wouldn't you like a search engine that shows your results as pictures instead of just words?
Here comes Search Me. Like I said, it shows you image previews of pages you search for.
As far as I can tell, though, Google is a better search engine. I searched for my blog, and it didn't have it. Even when I searched specifically for the web address, it didn't show up. So I'm guessing the search isn't as detailed. But if you're just quickly searching for, oh let's say 'Monkeys,' then it would suffice.
Monday, June 30, 2008
SearchMe; Visual Search
Friday, June 27, 2008
Comment on Spore Galactic Edition
Re: EA to offer Spore Galactic Edition
If they're going to charge 30 bucks more than the standard version of the game, they should at least include a plastic guitar or something.
Games I'm Looking Forward To; Civilization Revolution DS
If you anything about anything about Civ, then you'll know it's awesomely addictive.
However, playing it on my laptop is less than ideal. And sometimes I just want to play it on the go.
That's where the DS version comes in.
Also, I hear things are more simplified and more like a board game. I kinda like that in a game.
Like, trading card game videogames. I get really into those, and I think it's because of the set rules in a consistent environment. It doesn't really change, it's always the same. Which is nice.
So I think I'll love this game.
Games I'm Looking Forward To; Madden 09
Sure, yeah, people might be all hating on Madden. But I bought Madden 07, and I played it to death. Heck, even now it's still not old, though not playing it for a long time might have been it.
I'm looking forward to this one because the actions are going to be moderately realistically generated as you go. This means my running plays won't work because of the sheer glitchiness of the defense. It'll be because I just suck.
Also, I'm sure there are some improvements that 08 made that I didn't get to experience, as I never bought that one.
Also, the ability to just skip parts the parts of Superstar Mode that don't revolve around me. At first I thought I'd be a trooper and stick them out. But it's kinda painful after a while.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Finally! Someone with the Same Ethnicity as Me!
Who is this mystery person?
Marie Digby, but who she is doesn't really matter.
What is cool, however, is that she's an Irish and Japanese mix. Just like me. All things considered, it's not a very popular ethnicity.
The difference between me and her is that she's a suddenly massively popular acoustic guitarist and I'm a high school student. Working on it, okay?
Score one for me, world.
Officially Water on Mars
Oh Mars, you used to be so interesting, yet now people seem to be able to resist your red glow...
Today Wikinews says that NASA has confirmed that there's water on mars.
Actually, they haven't found water in its liquid state; they confirmed that the ice on Mar's surface is really water.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Connor's Thoughts' Competitors
So I was on Google, and I decided to see what people were thinking of me. But instead of “Connor Smith,” I searched for “Connor's Thoughts.” Hopefully this would lead to the numerous reviews and opinions that revolve around my blog.
While no such things were to be found, I did find a laughable amount of “competitors.” Thankfully, I'm the first result. Which means they're losing. But I find their attempts funny, so without further ado, here they are.
Terminator Fanfic Guy
While I never expected to see this, here it is. It's a Terminator fanfic, or at least I think it is. I can't be bothered to read about it.
Still, though, it seems pretty long and comprehensive. Although the title kinda sounds like a name for a blog.
Though, I have to say, one thing that really bothers me is when people's last names end in “Connor.” It's not meant to be a last name, and hence that bothers me.
Random Kid's Blog
Next I found something more akin to what I was looking for; some kid's blog.
Of course, I consider my blog superior in terms of quantity of content and type of content. Heck, his last post is a post saying that he should update more often. And that was in January.
It could also be noted that this kid chose the address. Which is not much of a bother because 1) I came first, and 2) I named it after my screename.
JSTOR Article
Another result, er, competitor I got was this random article.
The title is a longwinded “Paper, area never far from Connor's thoughts: Former editor and publisher still relished experience of boosting paper's fortunes.”
As this is a limited preview, I really have no idea what it's all about. And I don't want to pay money just for the weird thrill of reading an article that has the string “Connor's Thoughts” in the title.
Connor's Corner
A snazzy name, if I was ever trying to be creative about things. Also, I dig the random collage of images as a logo. You don't hardly see enough of awkward bitmaps in this Web 2.0 age.
I'd make more fun of this person, but I had this daydream that the owner of the site would somehow find me and get mad at me. So yeah, I'm done here.
Finally, I found this. I'm not sure what it is, but it's blank. “Add your content here.”
Maybe this is my blog in an alternate dimension? Or maybe in an alternate dimension, it's filled with content. Ah, who knows?
And that's all for now.
Uncalled For Commentary - Trains Being Slightly Late
This month's gimmick is 'Uncalled For Commentary,' where I randomly pick an obscure or unpopular topic, and offer more nonsensical commentary on it then there ever should be.
So you're on a train station, waiting for a train. It's been a while 30 seconds since the train was supposed to be there. Then it appears. “Ah, finally!” you think to yourself. “What a latenik.” WRONG!
This is WRONG! You should be thankful that your train merely arrived at all! It has to deal with some of the worst things known to man!
For starters! Air resistance! That's right! The one force that opposes any and all movement in an airy atmosphere. Train are not exempt! It continually works to slow down trains! They need to use more force to get there! Heck, air resistance is worse among things that travel really fast. So trains have it worse. Especially bullet trains! So be glad your train stood up to this magnanimous force and was the victor.
Next! Bandits! While definitely on a sharp decline since the 20's or whenever it was train robberies were common, they're still out there. Sure they're foiled by the modern train's sheer speed and possible armed staff, but they're still trying. I'm sure there will be numerous reports of train robberies in the future, when these cunning robbers have finally found a way to best even the mighty train. Then you'll be thankful your train even came at all. Heck, you'll be thankful there are even still trains.
Furthermore! Mechanical trouble! Trains may be works of art from an engineering standpoint, but even the best baseball hitter misses two thirds of the time. Hence, why should train fare any better? Plus, with all that training around, from station to station, you'd think something would have to break every now and then. And it will! So does being 30 seconds late seem like an acceptable proposition if HALF THE TRAIN WAS ON FIRE!? I'd say so!
Finally! Philosophy! How is this one bad, you might ask? Say you could eliminate everything in existence just by thinking about eliminating everything in existence. Trains are part of that existence! You'd be getting rid of the trains! There are millions of people out there! At least three of them are continually trying to blanket out existence. Trains have to deal with that! Despite almost being willed out of existence by some bozo, they struggle valiantly against all odds. Thirty seconds is better than NOT AT ALL.
As we can all clearly see, trains face much stress in this modern day and age. Giving them the respect they demand and deserve can prolong your life. CONSIDER THAT!
All views expressed in this “editorial” are not necessarily the views of Connor Smith. I don't know how that works, but just go with it, okay?
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Apple's a Success
Apple, huh?
Just remember that there was a time not too many years ago when Apple was a struggling company kept alive by Microsoft just to assuage fears of Microsoft's becoming a monopoly.
Resumes to be About Accomplishments, Not Minutae
Here's a little advice from your friend Liz Ryan (from HR);
Don't fill your resume with pointless details. Fill it with things you've accomplished.
For example, don't just tell what you did at your old job. Tell what you accomplished at your old job. Did you accidentally increase sales by 700%? Brag about that.
...And that's four or so paragraphs condensed.
This'll definitely be something I'll try to do in my future resumes.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Popularity of Digsby Exploding!
According to a poll that Read Write Web did, 35% of people who responded preferred Digsby. Also, the percents of likage for all the other clients were rather small, with Skype, the next best, at 10%.
I mean, we all know that online polls are the epitome of reliability for the public opinion (Sarcasm; they're not), I think this poll represents a future paradigm shift over to Digsby.
If you don't already know, Digsby is a rather new IM client that's on the up and up. I like to think of it as a superior Trillian that comes with a superior computer usage.
Of course, this news comes about a few days after I switched off of Digbsy because it was hogging too many resources.
Week of High Visits
So for the last seven days, I've all had "high visits."
This time, it means all of them were over 30, with one being over 100. In other words, it absolutely shatters the last time I bragged about having "high visits."
Once again, I am not as popular as a real blog, but I'm getting there.
Contributing Factors; posting random motivational posters I've made to Stumbleupon.
Phonetics or Phoenicians?
So I asked another question on Yahoo Answers. Essentially, I was asking which of the two people generally preferred.
Let's see what the crazies said this time.
One person saw fit to merely tell me what the two things were.
Phoenicians are an ancient seafaring people of the eastern Mediterranean.
Phoneticians are linguists who study sounds in language and their meaningful employment in language.
Thanks, like I didn't already know that.
Another asked me my own question.
Answer: Which is better: words spelled incorrectly by their sounds only; or a people?
It's not an 'answer' if it ends with a question mark!
And finally, the absolutely crazy answer.
Man you better add some more insulation to the attic you are living in.
All in all, disappointing.
Blog Color Scheme Change
It's official; I changed the colors of my blog. No longer will it look like everyone else's who chose this layout. Now it will look the same but with different colors.
I kinda like it more, how about you?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Immovable Object Versus the Unstoppable Force
So I asked another question to Yahoo Answers again. If you want, you can see the Original Question Thread.
So, the first interesting answer brings up parallel dimensions.
The other one, in each one's parallel universe.
My friend says the unstoppable force is permanently budging.
The next one neglects to answer the question, but makes up for that by pointing out that this would be a spectacle.
Reach over and wake up the wife/husband or friend because they have never seen a wreck like the one that is gonna happen. Your question answers its self.
UNSTOPPABLE---can't be stopped
IMMOVABLE--can't be moved
So there is going to be a GREAT BIG BANG when they meet
Then someone reasoned this;
I suppose you could say the terms are mutually exclusive i.e. the existence of an unstoppable force makes it impossible for an immovable object to exist, and vice versa.
If you're into long explanations, here's one just for you;
In simplest terms: the 'immovable object' would, by point of reason, redirect the energy of the unstoppable force. Since the unstoppable force would still be generating energy at the point of impact, the overflow would cause it to redirect the energy away from the point of impact and along the surface of the object. Depending upon the size of the object compared to the amount and/or shape of the force directed towards it, the force would either slide over the surface until it reached the edge of the object, at which point the unstoppable force would continue onwards, or if the surface were big enough, the force would eventually 'bounce' away from the object, since the resistance away from the object would be lesser than the resistance towards the object (force always travels along the path of least resistance.)
Long story short, they go around each other.
Then a cheeky person said this;
I think they'd both stop themselves a fraction of a second before the collision, and then divert their paths so as to crush between them the annoying philosopher asking all those hard questions.
Aha! Hard questions! Nice pun!
Finally, we have the obligatory nonsensical answer.
The liar.
Yeah, I don't get it either.
Well, that's all for this time. See ya next time when we ask more hard questions on Yahoo Answers.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The thing that always got me about Arrested Development (TV Show, '03 to '06) was that I thought Tobias was a minor character and would leave the next episode.
But lo and behold, he was always there.
Monday, June 9, 2008
What Animal do I Most Resemble?
So I was on Yahoo Answers the other day.
I asked What Animal Do I Most Resemble?. So far I've gotten seven different answers.
Here they are, listed in assumed order of posting. Cow
Chacma Baboon
Musk Ox
Chupacabra, whose picture is not included as its mere existence is debated.
So apparently people have no trouble finding animals I look like. Ah, the informative powers of Yahoo Answers.
And if you, the reader, thinks that I look like an animal, feel free to comment me a picture and name of an animal.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
20000 M HCl
So the other day I asked Yahoo Answers How can I make 20000 M HCl, and what it could destroy?
By the end of the day I already had four answers.
The first three essentially said no.
The third elaborated that the concentration of pure water is still just 55.6 moles.
But it's the fourth guy that really takes the cake. Here is what he said.
20000 Moles of Hydrochloric Acid????
Err probably need a HUGE factory, never seen before.
To make 20000 Moles of HCl (1,168.8554 kg/791.371293 m^3 ) you get from the electrolisis of 20000 moles of salt solution in a vaccum container. You'd probably need to do this several times, over a tonne of gas in an (inert) vaccum container.
You would then have to remove the sodium hydroxide impurities by some sort of fractional distillation method where the HCl gas is transfered to a different container. You would then need to condense the pure HCl gas to a liquid by holding the entire system at -85.1°C (industrially the acid is concentrated by disolving it in water. that'd just weaken it)
If M means Moles per litre you may need to apply intense pressure on the substance to increase its density by nearly 80000% at this sort of packing potential you would need probably astronomic thermonuclear or even black hole pressures to compress it certainly intense energy (even if the concentration was for minute volumes) ...the enthalpy change would certainly make it solid and as dense as uranium (18,900 kg/m3 higher than the 1,168.8554 kg/m3 of the HCl) but the chemical lattice because of the smaller nuclei would have to be highly compressed to... which is extremely insane to grasp.
The huge problem is that the equiptment will probably erode with the strong acids...and the use of vaccum technology to get pure HCl widens the possibility of explosions.
As I say this is the stuff of divinity here (manipulating black holes) but ... even a single liquid tube of pure HCl brought quickly to room temperature would boil and be highly explosive spraying acidic gas everywhere.
I especially like the last paragraph.
Well, stay tuned for more wacky Yahoo Answers hijinx.