Sunday, June 22, 2008

Connor's Thoughts' Competitors

So I was on Google, and I decided to see what people were thinking of me. But instead of “Connor Smith,” I searched for “Connor's Thoughts.” Hopefully this would lead to the numerous reviews and opinions that revolve around my blog.

While no such things were to be found, I did find a laughable amount of “competitors.” Thankfully, I'm the first result. Which means they're losing. But I find their attempts funny, so without further ado, here they are.

Terminator Fanfic Guy

While I never expected to see this, here it is. It's a Terminator fanfic, or at least I think it is. I can't be bothered to read about it.

Still, though, it seems pretty long and comprehensive. Although the title kinda sounds like a name for a blog.

Though, I have to say, one thing that really bothers me is when people's last names end in “Connor.” It's not meant to be a last name, and hence that bothers me.

Random Kid's Blog

Next I found something more akin to what I was looking for; some kid's blog.

Of course, I consider my blog superior in terms of quantity of content and type of content. Heck, his last post is a post saying that he should update more often. And that was in January.

It could also be noted that this kid chose the address. Which is not much of a bother because 1) I came first, and 2) I named it after my screename.

JSTOR Article

Another result, er, competitor I got was this random article.

The title is a longwinded “Paper, area never far from Connor's thoughts: Former editor and publisher still relished experience of boosting paper's fortunes.”

As this is a limited preview, I really have no idea what it's all about. And I don't want to pay money just for the weird thrill of reading an article that has the string “Connor's Thoughts” in the title.

Connor's Corner

A snazzy name, if I was ever trying to be creative about things. Also, I dig the random collage of images as a logo. You don't hardly see enough of awkward bitmaps in this Web 2.0 age.

I'd make more fun of this person, but I had this daydream that the owner of the site would somehow find me and get mad at me. So yeah, I'm done here.


Finally, I found this. I'm not sure what it is, but it's blank. “Add your content here.”

Maybe this is my blog in an alternate dimension? Or maybe in an alternate dimension, it's filled with content. Ah, who knows?

And that's all for now.

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