Sunday, September 2, 2007

Enterprising 17 Year Old Girl

Man, this makes me jealous. It's another one of those, "relatively young child has successful business."

what's more, this girl had almost nothing to start with. Granted, it was mostly luck she has to thank for getting her this far. still, she has something. And that's quite a bit more than what I can say.

So, the details are that she made her own site that distributed myspace layouts. She started getting a whole lot of traffic, so she switched to private web hosting. She has trouble making up the payments, so she gets google adsense. That's advertising that pays. Her first check she recieved? $2,790.

And now for the obligatory sources., the website the girl in question made.

The Guardian Article that first alerted me to all of this.

And finally, The article that actually told me everything I needed to know.

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